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Sarah White | MFA Research, Nov '24 - Jan '25

Nada Te TurbeTaize | Sung by Will Harmer, Jack Noutch & Sarah White
00:00 / 06:38
Becoming a Creature.
Improvisation after Authentic Movement ID class with Amy Vorris. Moving from the eyes/sight, exploring jaw movement and remembering Balaam's donkey finding its voice.
Including freezing and melting (tensing muscles across body and releasing) - after class with Sara Ruddock, and imagery of frost freezing and melting.
With Will Harmer and Jack Noutch.
Score - Take ten minutes to move from lying to standing to lying again. (Score taken from ID class with Temitope Ajose Cutting). Whilst singing, and improvising through Taize, 'Bless The Lord My Soul'.

vene sanctus spiritus audio onlyTazie | Sung by Will Harmer, Jack Noutch & Sarah White
00:00 / 02:58
In the studio with Kate Ryan.
I read her a letter whilst she moved. Then Kate moved whilst telling me what she remembered of the letter. Then we gave contact to one another to encourage the movement of the shoulder blades and arms.
Copying You Copying Me
Then I moved for 3 minutes with angel wings, then Kate imitated me for three minutes. Then I moved for three minutes copying Kate, copying me. We repeated this three times over.

Collected Scores

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